Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can Stitches Cause Infection After Tooth Extraction Mouth Not Healing After Tooth Extraction!?

Mouth not healing after tooth extraction!? - can stitches cause infection after tooth extraction

8 days ago there was a lower molar removed. He healed them all when I came back after 6 days. I could not before because I was far from 5 to Spokane to visit his family. To make a long story short - the extraction and broke the jaw bone that cut off the back of the tongue, leading to an infection. So I had polished pieces, and keep stitches to remove everything together. This part is healing, but I think the places that the dentist gave me injections to numb the mouth are infected. Looks like a bullet in the back of my throat, the side of extraction, namely, increasing every day and bites so bad it hurts to open and swallow. There is a large lump under the tongue, which also hurts. It is so painful that I can not show me moUth place big enough to see if pus. I rinse w / salt water + brush 3x a day. What is that noise? Penicillanic I spent 5 days. How long should I stop the antibiotic to clear some of these rude?

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